Friday, September 18, 2009

Aujourd'hui, c'est vendredi le 18 septembre, 2009.

A bit of a windy day, n'est-ce pas?

Today, 86 finally had a chance to finish watching "Ratatouille". The answers to the assignment are due on Monday! Monsieur Wanie went over all the questions in "Geographie" that are to be handed-in on Tuesday, September 22nd.

Students in both 86 and 87 had some class time to work on the "Geographie" assignment, the format of which, Monsieur Wanie outlined to 86 this morning and to 87 yesterday.

Les Sesame Snaps sont delicieux!PS: If you are a student in Ms Gesner's English class, check out her blog for an English test hint!

PPS: Students! Have a safe weekend! Wear helmets when you ride bikes!


Anon said...

OMg I havent worn my helmet At ALL.

Anon said...

you wrote that at SIX IN THE MORNING!!!!
It makes me realize what a dedicated teacher you are.

zema said...

How are we to do the work on word, if every so often if have to insert a special item of text. !!!!

Unknown said...

were are our ratitouille things supposed to be in our note books or on a separate piece of paper

DRU said...

Lucas. Geez, wear it! LOL And, that was internet time, so three hours behind us...

cutie. It's a pain, I know, sorry.

Whisky. In your notebooks.

Unknown said...

o okay thank you