Friday, October 30, 2009

Vendredi gris!

So this morning, students were a bit Halloween hyped! During class, 86 saw mustard run across the street... get it?: mustard "running" across the street? Anyway, it was comical... And then, students danced away the afternoon!


Anon said...

lol, 3 pink girls... what were they from, anyway?

Anon said...

satchekl dropped his hat, as i remember....
ha, ha, ha and another ha.

Anon said...

manoman, do you know that of the (like) 200 or so candies i got, my dad only let me eat 8 on the night i got them... sigh/sob. omg.

lol, the word ver is stintless.
thats a funny word, kinda like lubrication (another funny word)

DRU said...


Anon said...

woops, by ver i mean verification.

Anon said...

? grease?

Anon said...

am i spamming? (esters is word ver, lol)

Anon said...

(several minutes of thought)
wait... the 3 girls were from Grease?
(is that a movie?)

Anon said...

ellis looks like he has a midget chin in that pic, lol.

waht kinda word verification is pandumsh?!?!?

Sally said...

Lucas what are you talking about..?
Monsieur Wanie, Am I suppost to go in early to hang in geography tomorrow morning even though there is a supply or do I hand it in during the day, or the next morning?

DRU said...

Sally, bring it in early. Or come in early on Tuesday... Oh, and surprise, I'm here after all!

KJG said...

lucas grease was eli's play last year