Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mardi, il fait tres beau dehors!

What a nice day out! Anyone know Mint Sauce the Mountainbiking sheep?In class, students in both 86 and 87 who had not presented their "Projet Oral" yesterday came up to present in front of the class.

86 had their research period on the "Geographie" questions. In the afternoon, Monsieur Wanie worked with students to build class answers for the notebooks.

83 worked on the doodle/rough draft of their rectangle project for the "premier presentation oral" due tomorrow.

A quick reminder about Curriculum night. Students, please remind your parents or guardians that it will take place this Thursday evening, starting in the Winona gym at 6:30pm... This is a great opportunity for parents to come in and find out about the programme that their children will be following this year...


Ran-D said...

I can't read the comic strip

Ethan said...

i like the comic,

DRU said...

Hey Ran-D: For some reason it won't get bigger when you click on it... I'm working to fix that.

Ethan: Thanks, me too...

Binh Nguyen said...

Hi this is ravi leaving a messege on my super awsome friend Binh

ravi said...

that was a good comic

Unknown said...

ravi: dont you mean ur leaving a message FOR binh as opposed do On binh ?????