Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mercredi, le temps variable.

Today, Monsieur Wanie did some collecting of money for school fees and handed out some locks so students could pick their lockers.

Students continued working on their rectangle project, now officially called: Le premier projet orale. Monsieur Wanie assigned the end product of the project which is an oral presentation due on Monday, September 13th. Students must present their project on a bristol board in front of the class.
In class, Isaiah from 83, Spiro from 86 and Shea from 87 had an opportunity to do a quick demonstration of the classroom railroad... Hopefully there will be a few students to run it for parents on curriculum night next week!
86 also received their new notebooks and began working on a short ten sentence assignment. 87 and 83 will get their notebooks and assignment tomorrow.


Unknown said...

8-6 is the bomb! -Sophie

Danielle said...

The train is so cool

Unknown said...

Best toy train ever! -Maya