Friday, September 24, 2010

Vendredi, la pluie ou le beau temps?

Well, this morning was fun, students did their Terry Fox run!

Not wanting to miss the opportunity to teach a lesson (LOL), students in 86 and 87 followed Monsieur Wanie and Mr. Rowinsky through Wychwood Park past the visible parts of Taddle Creek, along the old shoreline of Lake Iroquois to the Roycroft Wetland at the base of Winston Churchill park/reservoir. Rosanna, Michelle, Spiro and Ethan won the commemorative 30th Anniversary Terry Fox shoelaces for today's best runners of classes 86 and 87. And Rocky was kind enough to provide every student with freezies just before lunch! Thanks Rocky!
In the afternoon, students participated in a dance! Good times at Winona, good times!


Unknown said...

what kinds of things do you have to include in your collage?

DRU said...

The collage is about quality of life. What makes your quality of life so good in Canada and what would it be like in a developing country?