Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mardi, la pluie!

So, today was the "Geographie, Chapitre 5" due-date! It seems many students forgot! Well it was posted last week and mentioned in class! Anyway, quite a few students did very well and put a tremendous amount of thought and effort into their work. Bravo! Others will be scampering to get the assignment done and handed-in before 8:30 tomorrow morning!

Students then worked on their perspective box projects. There are lots of neat ideas out there!


Michaela said...

i was wondering what was incomplete about my geographie work so i can get it done and in for tomorow???

Michelle Duong said...

Can i still come tomorrow morning so i can finish my test because i had volleyball tryouts.

DRU said...

Um, Michaela, I don't remember. I think I pointed it out to you. Checklist: Definitions for #1, postcard from the city, poster about how to bring agriculture to the city, inventory of cleaning and dangerous products in your house plus possible green alternatives, comparison of organic and industrially farmed produce.

Michelle: Yup!