Friday, November 26, 2010

Vendredi, le froid, le vent, la neige, l'hiver quoi!

Today, in the morning, Monsieur Wanie's 86 class had their discussion on the "Pyramid of hate" with Mariella and Steven. They had come in last year to talk about prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping.

Later in the day, classes began working on the "Forced perspective box project", most students in class 86 had their boxes at school, 87 has until Monday to bring them to work!
In "Geographie, Chapitre 5", classes had been talking about ways in which to bring agriculture to the city... Well here's a way to bring the city anywhere! Neat, huh?

Note: 86 and 87 have their "Ratatouille" test on Monday!

Oh, and a big, huge, Happy Thanksgiving to our American friends and family!


Unknown said...

Woooooowww thoose houses are crazyy i wish i had one. Maybe ill ask for one for christmas!!!

DRU said...

Sierra! Better write to Santa, quick!

Michelle Duong said...

For geography question #11, does it have to be in the supermarket or can it just be on the market?

Michaela said...

I was away when we finished watching ratatouille and i was wondering if i could do the test on tuesday instead. would that be ok???

Binh Nguyen said...

Wouldn't it be dangerous to live in a wooden house.. because termites would eat down your house.

DRU said...

Michelle: Nope, it can be either.

Michaela: Tuesday is fine.

Binh: Most houses are made of wood inside, you can treat the ground around the house to prevent them muching your house into sawdust.