Friday, November 12, 2010

Vendredi, un peu gris...

This morning, students in 87 had their last period to use the "Geographie" textbook before the weekend and the Monday due-date for their "Chapitre 4". Note to students, you may come in early on Monday to finish-up, Monsieur Wanie is always at work early to provide extra help for students.

Later in the morning, 87 had their class-read of "La Peur De Ma Vie"...

In the afternoon, 86 had their last period with the "Geographie" text... next week they'll do their class-read and catch up to 87.

Next week students will also start working on scenery for the classroom railroad, should be fun!


Binh Nguyen said...
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Binh Nguyen said...

What's the scenery going to be made out of?

DRU said...

Hey Binh: Plaster, hot glue, cardboard, paper towel, paint, sand, and a positive attitude!

Michaela said...

for question number 4 in geography do we use 6 points for each year so there ends up being 18 poinnt or is it just 6?

Unknown said...

for # 9 do we have to color it?

DRU said...

Hi Michaela: Thanks for coming in early... it's 12 total, 6 and 6.

Hey Ella: colour isn't required if you pump up the level of detail, it's one or the other...