Thursday, March 31, 2011

Jeudi, la pluie en avril...

So, this morning Monsieur Wanie outlined the "Histoire, Chapitre 8" for class 87. Students then worked on their "Projet de Journal"...

Students need to remember that the Arowhon forms are way, way overdue! And that if they haven't yet handed it in, their spot on the trip may be awarded to someone on the waiting list. Take note that the balance owing, if any, will be due on Monday, May 2nd.

In the afternoon, 86 had a period to work on their "Projet de journal". On a related note, it was cool to see a few groups in early this morning working on their assignments! They are due tomorrow!

Note the following due-dates!
"Geographie, Chapitre 14" a rendre lundi le 4 avril.
"Histoire, Chapitre 8" a rendre vendredi le 8 avril.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mercredi, encore une belle journee de soleil!

Today, students in 86 had a full double period to work on their "Projet de journal" in the morning and a single period in the afternoon to work on the latest (and last!) "Geographie, chapitre 14" or on the "Histoire, Chapitre 8" that Monsieur outlined...

In the meantime, 87 only had one period today to work on the "Projet de journal" and will get the outline to "Histoire, Chapitre 8" tomorrow.

Ps: Here you go Spiro! Read the parts titled : "Migration to Canada" and "On the prairies of Canada"...

"Histoire, Chapitre 8"
VTC: 1, 4 ATC: 3, 4
A rendre vendredi le 8 avril

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mardi, encore un journee de soleil!

Today, all students participated in the Honour Roll assembly. Many students received certificates, a select group of five others were awarded certificates for the Principal's list. As well, the "Students in Good Standing" concept was introduced. The idea is that every student who does well in class, is a model student, good with his or her peers, and arrives on time to school and ready to learn should be able to achieve "Good Standing".

Later in the morning, Monsieur Wanie went over the last "Geographie, Chapter 14" questions with students. As well, class 87 made paper cranes for a display to show their "well wishes" for the people of Japan, following the devastating earthquake and tsunami.

In the afternoon, Monsieur Wanie did the same as above with 87. Students in 87 even had the opportunity to decorate their paper cranes before they were sent downstairs to be installed...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Lundi, le printemps etait la!

Today, Monsieur Wanie took the Winona Swim Team to the meet at Harbord CI halfway through the morning...

That left students to work with Monsieur Rowinsky and the supply on their "Projet de journal" and "Geographie, Chapitre 14".

Hopefully the group in the library worked well, and the other in the outer-hall too.

As well, students put their "Histoire, Chapitre 7" in their files in the stickered filing cabinet, it was due today.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Vendredi, toujours l'hiver!

Today, students handed-in their "Geographie, Chapitre 13". Students put their assignments in the stickered filing cabinet into their folders... Monsieur Wanie assigned "Geographie, Chapitre 14", the details of which are below.

Students also worked on their "Projet de journal" in groups before the final hour of the school day... earth hour.

"Geographie, Chapitre 14"
Questions: 1, 2, 8, 9, 10.
a rendre vendredi le
1er avril.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Jeudi, le soleil brille sur la neige.

Today, students had another tough work day. "Geographie, Chapitre 13" is due tomorrow, so today was the last class period students had to work on it.

Students also worked on their "Projet de journal" in their groups. It's due on Friday, April 1st...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mercredi, le retour de la neige...

Today, both 86 and 87 did some work on the "Histoire, Chapitre 7" that is due on Monday. Monsieur Wanie was able to note down some mid-assignment marks...

In the afternoon, several groups were able to get started on the good copy of the "Projet de journal". Monsieur Wanie is looking forward to seeing some great work!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mardi, le soleil pour la moto!

Today, 86 and 87 worked on the "Projet de journal" in class. Groups were assigned small bonus progress marks during the period. Monsieur Wanie hopes that this way he can help guide students in their work ethic... the idea is to make a little headway each day instead of getting everything done the night before the due-date!

Later in the day, students worked on their "Geographie, Chapitre 13" due on Friday. And in the afternoon, students worked on "Histoire, Chapitre 7" that is due on Monday.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Lundi, le printemps est la!

We're back! Hopefully everyone had a safe and fun vacation. It's the last push towards the end of the year, and it will go quickly!

Today, Monsieur Wanie went over the outlines for the "Geographie" due Friday and the "Histoire" due on Monday. Students worked on both as well as on the "Journal" (that's newspaper) project...

Classes were reminded that a strong work ethic with a minimum of time-wasting is necessary during classroom and group activities, 87 is pretty chatty lately!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Vendredi, la trosieme journee de pluie de suite!

This morning, students in 86 and 87 handed-in their "Histoire, Chapitre 6".

Today, students continued to work on their French "A la gare" folders and made sure to have them in their respective files in the stickered filing cabinet by the end of the day.

Students also worked in groups on their "Journal" project.

Here's the latest "Histoire" assignment that Monsieur Wanie went over with classes 86 and 87...

"Histoire, Chapitre 7"
VTC# 1, 3, 4, 5, 6.
ATC# 4 + (3* ou 5* ou 6*)
*Note, these questions have been changed slightly from the textbook questions.
a rendre lundi le 28 mars

Hopefully everyone has a safe and fun Spring Break and comes back refreshed and ready to rock until the end of the year!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Jeudi, deuxieme journee de pluie!

Today, 87 worked on their "A la gare" French folders first thing in the morning.

Then Monsieur Wanie outlined the latest big project. It's a cross-curricular activity, that incorporates French, Art, "Geographie" and "Histoire" into one assignment... to create a newspaper (un journal). Monsieur Wanie showed some examples from past years and students had a period to nail down their groups and come up with some preliminary ideas, then another period to further their ideas from talk into action.

In the afternoon, 86 had one period to work on their "Projet de Journal" and ended their day in the pool!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mercredi, gris mais moins froid.

Today, many students were absent due to the Jazz Tour Band thingy...

And the students that remained, worked on their French folder in the morning and their "Histoire" and "Geographie" in the afternoon...

As well, class 86 started brainstorming for a group-newspaper (Le Journal) project...

A pretty quiet day all in all! Maybe everyone is just looking forward to Spring Break!?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mardi, ou est le printemps?

Today, classes 86 and 87 worked on their French folders. Students should be getting close to finishing the last questions in their notebooks by now...

As well, Monsieur Wanie had discussions with both classes about "Geographie, Chapitre 13", due-date below. The chapter discusses the effects of migration on culture. Some pretty interesting stuff!

"Geographie, Chapitre 13"
Questions: 1, 3, 5, 8, 12
a rendre vendredi le 25 mars

Monday, March 7, 2011

Lundi apres la neige, le soleil.

Simone's very cool black tower! Wow, lots of work went into these two projects!
This morning, both 86 and 87 handed-in their latest "Geographie, Chapitre 12".
As well, students worked on their "A la gare" French folders.
In the afternoon, students worked on their "Histoire, Chapitre 6" that is due on Friday.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Toujours Vendredi...

Here are a few more really cool skyscrapers from students in 86!
And students, do not forget that "Geographie, Chapitre 12" is due on Monday!

Vendredi, le soleil est la mais la pluie arrive!

Due-date today, for the skyscrapers! Great job kids! Class 87's look cool!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Jeudi, a quand le printemps?

Finally, the last two periods for each class to work on their skyscrapers! They're due tomorrow! Kids are scampering!

Students, don't forget that "Geographie, chapitre 12" is due on Monday! Hopefully, everyone will get a chance to work on it tomorrow and ask questions if anything is unclear. As well, Monsieur Wanie is planning to have a class discussion about "Histoire, Chapitre 6" tomorrow...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mercredi, le grand vent!

Today, Monsieur Wanie led a class overview of "Geographie, Chapitre 12". Students should take note of the assignments and due-dates below.

"Geographie, Chapitre 12"
Questions 1, 2, 4, 8
a rendre lundi le 7 mars

"Histoire, Chapitre 6"
VTC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
a rendre vendredi le 11 mars

In the afternoon, there was only a skeleton crew of students due to the tour band and volleyball conference goings-on. The students that were in class worked on their skyscrapers that are due on Friday.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mardi, le beautemps de retour.

Today, students worked again on the skyscrapers. The big push is on to get them done for Friday! Monsieur Wanie is looking forward to his classroom looking more like a city and less like a construction zone!

In the afternoon, students worked on their latest French folder.

Not a really exciting day but one filled with students working away on some really amazing projects! There are some quite innovative ideas out there! Keep it up kids!