Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mercredi, encore une belle journee de soleil!

Today, students in 86 had a full double period to work on their "Projet de journal" in the morning and a single period in the afternoon to work on the latest (and last!) "Geographie, chapitre 14" or on the "Histoire, Chapitre 8" that Monsieur outlined...

In the meantime, 87 only had one period today to work on the "Projet de journal" and will get the outline to "Histoire, Chapitre 8" tomorrow.

Ps: Here you go Spiro! Read the parts titled : "Migration to Canada" and "On the prairies of Canada"...

"Histoire, Chapitre 8"
VTC: 1, 4 ATC: 3, 4
A rendre vendredi le 8 avril

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