Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mardi, encore un journee de soleil!

Today, all students participated in the Honour Roll assembly. Many students received certificates, a select group of five others were awarded certificates for the Principal's list. As well, the "Students in Good Standing" concept was introduced. The idea is that every student who does well in class, is a model student, good with his or her peers, and arrives on time to school and ready to learn should be able to achieve "Good Standing".

Later in the morning, Monsieur Wanie went over the last "Geographie, Chapter 14" questions with students. As well, class 87 made paper cranes for a display to show their "well wishes" for the people of Japan, following the devastating earthquake and tsunami.

In the afternoon, Monsieur Wanie did the same as above with 87. Students in 87 even had the opportunity to decorate their paper cranes before they were sent downstairs to be installed...

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