Monday, May 2, 2011

Lundi, nous sommes au mois de mai!!

"Projet d'art" hand-in day was Friday! Where are they all? A few came in this morning early, that's cool, but there are still many missing!

As well, "Histoire, Chapitre 11" is due today! Monsieur Wanie went over "Histoire, Chapitre 12" the second last chapter of the year! Chapter assignment below.

And both classes had their second "Projet oral" check... most students have started but very few have made enough progress towards the due-date a week today!

"Histoire, Chapitre 12"
VTC: #1, 2, 5, 7.
ATC: #1, 3.
A rendre, lundi le 9 mai.

Jenny Holzer

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