Friday, May 6, 2011

Vendredi, le soleil, la pluie, le soleil?

Today, due to Monsieur Wanie's absence, Abelio took the class and followed the day plan left behind. Students were encouraged to work on their "Histoire, Chapitre 12" as well as "Histoire, Prise 2". Some students chose to work on their presentations due on Monday as well as finishing up on missing assignments for the files.

What's missing to the right of this picture?


kailan said...

Picture: Winona!!

kailan said...

For our Poster, do we need a bibliography?

Danielle said...

McMurrich's not there yet.

DRU said...

Kailan: Yup, Winona sould be to the right of the picture! No need for a bibliography.

Danielle: You mean Winona's no there yet!