Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mardi, re-soleil.

So today, once again, students had an opportunity to work on assignments that desperately need to be handed-in. Monsieur Wanie has made much progress towards compiling marks for the year-end reports...

Students were to have selected their "Projet d'Histoire" subject by now, although there are still a few weeks before that due-date.

And a reminder that "Histoire, Prise 2" is due on Monday, 16th May.

Dufferin and Davenport looks pretty different back then!


ravi said...

HI MR. Wanie I was wondering for ATC 6 of Histoire Prise 2:

How has life changed in the past 50 years in Nunavut?

I'm having difficulty finding the answer. I looked in the textbook and on the internet.

DRU said...

Ravi: Begin with the fact that Nunavut was not a separate territory within Canada until 1999. That's the first change to the map of Canada since 1949. Figuring out why this was a necessary change is what's important. CHeck here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nunavut