Monday, September 15, 2014

Lundi, le soleil brille... pour le moment!

En anglais aujourd'hui:

So, today was the due-date for the first "Histoire" assignment of the year. Five or six students came in early to work or ask for extensions. Most students handed-in their assignments. To the few who came to class with less-than-adequate excuses, be careful! As a reminder, if you haven't finished your assignment by the due-date, you need to come in early and discuss it with Monsieur Wanie or risk being marked down...

Students' "Il fait quoi ton Papa?" tests were handed back, students noted their grades in their agendas, and placed the tests in their files in the stickered-filing-cabinet.

As well, students had an opportunity to work on their portrait art posters and their "La peur de ma vie " french reading books.


Anonymous said...

Hi Monsieur Wanie,
Before I colour my art project, I wanted to make sure this is okay to use: I have 27 small symbols then a rainbow bar of music notes, which stretches across the whole page. Is that okay to use?

Unknown said...

Hello Monsieur Wanie,

I was away on friday and I'm not sure if i missed anything. I was just checking in to see if i did.

Rayne Sutherland 8-6

DRU said...

Isabeau, sounds good!
Rayne, yes, we did the Terry Fox run in the morning and worked on our Geo and posters in the afternoon.

Unknown said...

for question 8 do we use new york for the example or do we use a city that we pick with a high population density

Anonymous said...

Hi Monsieur Wanie,
I was away yesterday afternoon and this morning.
I was wondering if i missed anything.
Ellen Altman 87