Monday, March 7, 2011

Lundi apres la neige, le soleil.

Simone's very cool black tower! Wow, lots of work went into these two projects!
This morning, both 86 and 87 handed-in their latest "Geographie, Chapitre 12".
As well, students worked on their "A la gare" French folders.
In the afternoon, students worked on their "Histoire, Chapitre 6" that is due on Friday.


AlyH. said...

I wasnt here today, so i can hand in the geogrphy tomorow morning right?

Michelle said...

Where in the textbook can you find the reasons why was James Douglas sometimes called The Father of British Columbia?


DRU said...

AlyH.: yup.

Michelle: the page after the one about James and Amelia Douglas.

Michelle said...

Yea I figured that out right after haha but thank you!
