Friday, March 11, 2011

Vendredi, la trosieme journee de pluie de suite!

This morning, students in 86 and 87 handed-in their "Histoire, Chapitre 6".

Today, students continued to work on their French "A la gare" folders and made sure to have them in their respective files in the stickered filing cabinet by the end of the day.

Students also worked in groups on their "Journal" project.

Here's the latest "Histoire" assignment that Monsieur Wanie went over with classes 86 and 87...

"Histoire, Chapitre 7"
VTC# 1, 3, 4, 5, 6.
ATC# 4 + (3* ou 5* ou 6*)
*Note, these questions have been changed slightly from the textbook questions.
a rendre lundi le 28 mars

Hopefully everyone has a safe and fun Spring Break and comes back refreshed and ready to rock until the end of the year!


Unknown said...

hey mr. wanie, i missed the week of school before march break because of SEVEC and i'm going to have a lot of catching up to do, should i come to school at 8:00 on monday to get all my assignments that i missed or will you just give them to me in class?

DRU said...

Hey Ella: I hope you had a great time in Quebec! When you get to class, I'll tell you what you've missed... Look back through the posts to see the "Histoire" and "Geographie" assignments.

Unknown said...

is there swim team practice monday?

Binh Nguyen said...

Was I suppose to get a stick or a magnet for you? I got a magnet so I might have gotten the wrong thing.

DRU said...

Alejandra: YES!

Binh: It's all good!

Unknown said...

for question 4 in history, the one where you have to describe why the government started the mounted police, it asks ¨en quoi est-ce que une force militaire"
i need help with that part, i cant seem to find anything.

Danielle said...

Ale: Why is it a milatary force?

kailan said...

For the geography question where we make theme cards, can we make them on the computer and then print them?

DRU said...

Alejandra: The North West Mounted Police Force was a "military force" in the sense that not only were they charged with maintaining the peace in New Caledonia (BC) but also to patrol the border with the US, curb the traffic of contraband and regulate who and how many people were coming into Canada...

DRU said...

Kailan: I don't remember what I said in the outline... I think I said they had to be on a piece of 8.5X11.