Thursday, May 26, 2011

Jeudi, le retour de la pluie.

So today, 87 worked on their "Revue de 8e Annee" projects first thing in the morning and then their French folders just before lunch...

In the afternoon, 86 had the opportunity to work on their French folders.

Day 3 is one of those days that Monsieur Wanie only gets to see his homeroom kids for three periods, so not too much to report!

Students note: the "Revue de 8e Annee" assignment is due a week tomorrow!

As well, students should note that if they have failed to hand overdue assignments or do presentations, they should come in before 8:30!


Binh Nguyen said...

Hi Mr.Wanie,
I just came back from Dominican Republic, I got stickers!!!! Oh my main concern is that I'm not going to be coming early on Monday because i have the track meet, if its okay can i come in on Tuesday morning to present my history project and catch up on work that i have missed.

Rachel Chung said...

Mr. Wanie
Is it ok to write in english on the magazine on the extra 10 pages or some of it?

Ez said...

In our magazine, for the 5 pages where you told us what to include, are they double sided (one page front and back on likes, one page front and back on dislikes, etc.) or one side on likes, and the back on dislikes?

-Esme, 8•7

DRU said...

BInh: Tuesday is fine.

Rachel: Yes.

Ez: Those pages are single sided so you can do whatever you like on the reverse sides...