Thursday, May 5, 2011

Jeudi, le soleil est revenu!

Well, this morning, Monsieur Wanie set out a couple new assignments. The first is an oral presentation about a Canadian place or business of historical significance and the other, the last "Histoire" chapter of the year.

"Histoire, Prise 2"
ATC: #1, 2, 4
VTC: #1, 3
a rendre lundi le 16 mai

"Projet d'Histoire"
a rendre mardi le 24 mai

A link to some old grocery stores in Toronto, look carefully to see buildings that still exist to this day!

A link to the Toronto Archives picture search:

St Clair ave looking east from Wells Hill... the Loblaws that is there now would be on the left, and the streetcar tracks now run underground to St Clair West station!


Michelle said...

hey mr.wanie, i thought histoire chapitre 12 was due on monday, not prise 2...

DRU said...

Michelle: Good catch kid! Thanks, I corrected it.