Friday, December 17, 2010

Vendredi avant les fetes!

Today is the last school day before the Christmas/Holiday Break. So, some students brought in cookies (like Morgan, check out the picture!), others brought in their XBox and some games. Students watched a mountain bike movie and chatted during their morning period and participated in the dance in the afternoon.

A big huge thank you to students and parents for the gifts, very generous, appreciated.

Hopefully everyone will have a great and safe Winter Break!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Jeudi, gris.

Locker cleanout! Whoo hoo... Students in both 86 and 87 had an opportunity to clean out their lockers... There were some really messy ones! Yikes! Anyway, hopefully students will bring home their finished projects and smelly gym stuff...

Congratulations to all students involved in the yesterday's concert. Apparently it was a full house! Good job kids!

Later in the day, students continued working on the French folders, and everyone got started on the latest French novels: "L'avalanche" and "Aventure en foret".

And students continued working on the "Geographie, Chapitre 7" keywords and questions.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mercredi musicale!

This morning, students in 86 and 87 worked on their French folders and had a small amount of time to work on their "Geographie".

In the afternoon, most classes were collapsed so that students could participate in the music performance run-through.

Students, over the holidays maybe you'll have a chance to check out this link... from back when an inch of snow was not called a snowstorm... we were tougher back when 22 inches was a snowstorm!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Mardi, encore du vent et le froid.

Today, students worked on the "A l'aeroport" and "A bord de l'avion" folders.

Students also worked on their lates "Geographie" chapter, some of the details of which, Monsieur Wanie discussed with the class...

The "Geographie, Chapitre 7" is due to be handed-in completed in a folder or duotang on Wednesday, the 5th of January.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Lundi, c'est l'hiver, c'est certain!

Today, students in 86 and 87 were very busy.

"Geographie, Chapitre 6" was due to be handed-in, "Geographie, Chapitre 7" was assigned, keywords, questions and all.

Students received their "Ratatouille" test back and Monsieur Wanie went over them with the class...

And lastly, students worked independently on the "A l'aeroport" and "A bord de l'avion" folders.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Vendredi musical!

So, today classes were mixed up a bit to accommodate students who were off timetable for the music tour. Classes that stayed back watched two brilliant French short movies of the 50s: Le Ballon Rouge and White Mane...

Hopefully everyone had a great day out... or in and that the weekend will be a safe and fun one. Students, do not forget that your "Geographie" is due on Monday, no excuses!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Jeudi, le tres froid arrive!

Today, 86 and 87 worked first on their "Geographie, Chapitre 6" and then with Monsieur Wanie on the new French folder entitled "A l'aéroport". Students are doing very well at grasping the cueing systems in their French reading lately.

Anyway, news flash: The "Géographie, Chapitre 6" due-date is postponed until Monday because of the class shuffle for the music tour tomorrow... But it MUST be handed-in, no exceptions, no extensions. Make them neat and in a folder or duotang

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mercredi, le soleil et le froid!

Today, students in 86 and 87 began the first two chapters of a French cloze exercise text. The idea is for students to investigate and question word-meanings while reading in French, and this, without the help of their group-mates. Students were to work independently for a period of time, then Monsieur Wanie took-up an exercise and students continued. Students will be reading more difficult French novels and these exercises serve to encourage them to think more critically and analytically about text and content.

Monsieur Ferron and Monsieur Wanie conducted the first of a series of Arowhon (sic) meetings, this one to hand out a sheet requesting a deposit for students who are interested in participating in the trip between June 13th and 17th, 2011.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mardi, la neige et le vent froid!

Today was the due-date for the perspective box project. A few students came in early to ask for extensions but most everyone had a well done project to show.

Monsieur Wanie clarified what is required in the keyword definitions for "Geographie, Chapitre 6". Students will be handing-in the unit keywords and definitions as well as the chapter answers in a folder or duo tang on Friday, December 10th.

Monsieur Wanie was notified by the office that 86 and 87 are experiencing a higher than normal number of lates... apparently, a letter has been prepared to be sent home for repeat offenders. It states that students who are often late will not be permitted to leave the school premises during lunch for a period of time to ensure their safety and on-time return to afternoon classes.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Lundi, Monsieur Wanie?

Today, Ms A. was in again for Monsieur Wanie.

Students began working on the "Geographie, Chapitre 6" keywords and questions.

86 and 87 had a bit of time to put finishing touches on their perspective box projects.

And in the afternoon, it was back to the keywords...

Friday, December 3, 2010

Vendredi, un peu froid!

Today, Monsieur Wanie gave the class lecture on the evolution of humans from hunting and foraging to present day economic activity... a pretty big subject to cover but one directly related to "Géographie, Chapitre 6". Students will be working intensively on the latest chapter on Monday!

And on Tuesday, the "Perspective box" project is due!

As well, Tuesday, Monsieur Wanie will hand the "Ratatouille" tests back.

Hopefully, everyone has a safe weekend!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Jeudi, le froid de décembre arrive.

So today was a bit different. Monsieur Wanie accompanied classes 86 and 87 to "The Barns" to see "Binti's Journey" a play about AIDS in Africa... Lots to talk about, that's for sure!

Hopefully, tomorrow students will be at "full power" because there are quite a few important "Géographie" concepts to cover before the weekend.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mercredi, encore de la pluie!

Today, students had to hand in their $5 for our field trip tomorrow to the "Barns" to see a presentation of "Binti's Journey".

In class students had time once more to work on the perspective box project that is due on Tuesday...

And in the afternoon, students began working ont he new "Geographie, Chapitre 6". This chapter's assignment will be handed-in in a folder or duotang instead of the notebook.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mardi, la pluie!

So, today was the "Geographie, Chapitre 5" due-date! It seems many students forgot! Well it was posted last week and mentioned in class! Anyway, quite a few students did very well and put a tremendous amount of thought and effort into their work. Bravo! Others will be scampering to get the assignment done and handed-in before 8:30 tomorrow morning!

Students then worked on their perspective box projects. There are lots of neat ideas out there!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Lundi, le soleil mais il fait frais!

Today, both 86 and 87 did their Ratatouille test. It was a fairly long one with many answers to be written in full sentences. There were multiple choice questions as well but they were not as straight forward as on previous tests.

Only 87 had time today to work on the Shoe-Box perspective assignment. 86 had their pool period in the afternoon...

Students, check this out! A grade 8 graduation exam from 1930s West Virginia! It's amazing to see that population density and distribution as well as the growth and development of cities and industry are still just as pertinent subjects for us to study today!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Vendredi, le froid, le vent, la neige, l'hiver quoi!

Today, in the morning, Monsieur Wanie's 86 class had their discussion on the "Pyramid of hate" with Mariella and Steven. They had come in last year to talk about prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping.

Later in the day, classes began working on the "Forced perspective box project", most students in class 86 had their boxes at school, 87 has until Monday to bring them to work!
In "Geographie, Chapitre 5", classes had been talking about ways in which to bring agriculture to the city... Well here's a way to bring the city anywhere! Neat, huh?

Note: 86 and 87 have their "Ratatouille" test on Monday!

Oh, and a big, huge, Happy Thanksgiving to our American friends and family!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Jeudi, la neige arrive?

Today, 86 and 87 finished watching "Ratatouille". Students, go over your notes on the weekend, there will be a test on Monday!

Most students had handed-in their triple industry sequence and are continuing work on "Geographie, Chapitre 5" due Tuesday!

Also to think about over the weekend, all students must have their own shoeboxes for the new art project by Monday!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Mercredi, le soleil et le froid de Novembre.

This morning, students appeared to be pleased that the latest novel is not actually a novel but a movie! Ratatouille to be exact! Anyway, students watched attentively and took notes to use on the test next week.

Students, if you'd like to check out a really cool bicycle race this weekend, follow this link:

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mardi, du vent et du soleil.

Yay, Monsieur Wanie's back!

Well, judging from all the comments to Thursday's blog post, everyone like checking out youtubes of cool bike riders!

Anyway, today was all about "Geographie". Monsieur Wanie came around to check notebooks for yesterday's work. Most student appeared to have worked diligently.

As well, Monsieur Wanie handed-back the "La Peur De Ma Vie" tests. Class marks were quite a bit lower on this test than the others, but then it was a tougher test too... Anyway, classes 86 and 87 went over the corrections with Monsieur Wanie, re-wrote all the correct answers and handed them back in so Monsieur Wanie could file them.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Lundi, un peu de pluie.

So, today Monsieur Wanie was on another mission out of the building and Ms. Anna took over the reins. Students in both 86 and 87 worked on "Geographie, Chapitre 5". The questions, keywords and assignments were the focus of the day.

Hopefully tomorrow, Monsieur Wanie will hand back the "La Peur De Ma Vie" tests!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Vendredi, soleil et vent frais.

With students taking a long weekend, Monsieur Wanie had the opportunity to meet with parents on both Thursday evening and Friday morning.

Parents, thanks so much for coming in! It was a pleasure to meet all of you and tell you how well your kids are doing at Winona! Clearly, your care and attention as parents converts to kids who perform well at school, are polite and have a positive outlook on their studies and life! Cheers!

Should you need to talk to Monsieur Wanie, his email is:

Students, here's a cool bonus vid to check out! This guy can ride a bike!! Copy and paste the following link:

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Jeudi, un peu nuageux.

Today, for Monsieur Wanie's birthday, Rachel and Danielle brought in Fuzzy Peaches and Hazelnut Cake! Fortunately, Monsieur Wanie decided to share with the class! Thanks girls, and thank-you to everyone who sent their Brithday wishes.

On a class note, students discussed the "Geographie, Chapitre 5" questions in preparation to complete the assignments therein over the weekend and on Monday. As well today, students worked on their triple industry sequence assignment.

Tonight and tomorrow morning, Monsieur Wanie is looking forward to Parent-Teacher interviews. There are so many good things to report about students this year! Hopefully, students spend the long weekend safely. Oh, and get off the couch and get some fresh air!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mercredi, la pluie... et le mauvais temps.

This morning, students in 86 and 87 worked on their triple picture sequence of industries assignment. The idea was to depict the transformation of something from primary industry through tertiary industry, from natural resource to finished product. In order to include the sequence of production, transport and sale to consumer on the classroom railroad, students had to elaborate how their sequence could be incorporated and creat traffic on the railroad.

Students also made trees and rocks in the first installment of building more scenery on the railroad.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Mardi, le vent se leve!

So, today, classes 86 and 87 spent the better part of the day working on the novel: "La Peur De Ma Vie" in order to do the test in the afternoon.

Students were handed-back their "Greatest Canadian" artwork... Wow, awesome stuff kids! Your parents and guardians will be able to check them out on interview night/day on the bulletin board outside the classroom!

On that note, the interview schedule looks pretty booked-up. Hopefully all parents and guardians were able to find a convenient time-slot. Otherwise, please call the office and leave a message for Monsieur Wanie for a special time to be booked.

Not much else on for today! Hopefully tomorrow we'll start working on the railroad! PS someone bring in some round toothpicks, we need them for tree trunks!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Lundi, le soleil!

Today, students in 86 and 87 were handed-back their "Le Galop Du Templier" test. Most students did well and the class did the corrections with Monsieur Wanie.

A little later in the day, students continued the class-read of "La Peur De Ma Vie".

And in the afternoon, students handed-in their "Geographie" notebooks and were given their mid-term progress reports.

Hopefully parents who were interested in meeting with Monsieur Wanie on Thursday evening or Friday morning were able to book an interview online or through the office.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Vendredi, un peu gris...

This morning, students in 87 had their last period to use the "Geographie" textbook before the weekend and the Monday due-date for their "Chapitre 4". Note to students, you may come in early on Monday to finish-up, Monsieur Wanie is always at work early to provide extra help for students.

Later in the morning, 87 had their class-read of "La Peur De Ma Vie"...

In the afternoon, 86 had their last period with the "Geographie" text... next week they'll do their class-read and catch up to 87.

Next week students will also start working on scenery for the classroom railroad, should be fun!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Jeudi, re-soleil et beau temps!

Students did a terrific job at the Remembrance Day assembly today. Those that spoke, played music, acted-out scenes, and listened attentively, all made the presentation special.

During the remainder of the day, students talked "Geographie" with Monsieur Wanie. For students in both 86 and 87, "Chapitre 4" is due on Monday! Question numbers are: 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 9 or 12 (or both for bonus marks!).

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mercredi, encore le soleil!

Another bright sunny day!

And a busy one at that! Students in 86 and 87 finally had their "Geographie, Chapitre 4" discussion with Monsieur Wanie. Lots of talk of social, economic and demographic tendencies, the rise or rebirth of the small and medium sized business, big box stores and the rise of half-time jobs, business re-organization, sub-contracting and out-sourcing, employee benefits and the baby boom and bust...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mardi, le soleil encore!

Today was a great day!

Students in 86 and 87 handed-in their "Greatest Canadian" assignments... wow, some great artwork there kids!

During the day, students worked on the "La Peur De Ma Vie" novel. Some students are really having a hard time with it. Don't forget, Monsieur Wanie is in every day early for extra help. Anyway, the class-read will sort some troubles out...

Students worked on their "Geographie" keywords and showed Monsieur Wanie a completed assignment for a checkmark.

Near the end of the day, a Yahoo title came up about how baby-boomers are going to become "oldsters" as the article called them. Classes discussed the issues facing older drivers... Here's the youtube clip of "The Old Lady From Pasadena"... (the intro is a bit goofy but anyway...) that Monsieur Wanie described.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Lundi, le soleil brille!

Finally, Monsieur Wanie is back and everything is as it was...

Students in 87 worked for two periods on their "Greatest Canadian" assignment and some handed them in at the end of the morning.

86 had their pool period, splashy-splashy!

In the afternoon, students discussed their "Geographie" chapter work with Monsieur Wanie. Students may choose which question to hand-in tomorrow, #8, 9 or 12.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Vendredi, Monsieur Wanie reviens!

Today, Abelio came in to cover the final day of Monsieur Wanie's absence.

Students in 86 worked all day on their "Greatest Canadian" art assignments and most were handed-in at the end of the day.

Class 87 were given time to finish off the reading of "La Peur De Ma Vie" and begin working on the questions at the back of the novel.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Jeudi, Monsieur Wanie absent encore!

So, for the second day in a row, Ms A. came in to cover for Monsieur Wanie who was away...

Students continued working on the keywords for their "Chapitre 4, Geographie".

Classes continued reading "La Peur De Ma Vie" with the goal of finishing it by the end of tomorrow...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mercredi, ou est Monsieur Wanie?

So, while Monsieur Wanie was away on a secret mission today, students were under the suprevision of Ms A.

Students worked on the latest chapter in "Geographie", took notes on the keywords and worked on the questions.

Later in the day, 86 and 87 began reading the new French novel: "La Peur De Ma Vie".

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mardi, le soleil encore!

Some more great projects! (Better late than never!)
Today was test-day for 86 and 87, students wrote their "Le Galop Du Templier" test. Hopefully everyone did well and had sufficient time to complete it in the time allowed.
Later in the day, students chose their "Greatest Canadian" for their next art assignment. 86 will be working on theirs full-time on Friday and 87 will be working on theirs on Monday...
Monsieur Wanie went over the latest "Geographie" chapter (#4) with students and clarified the questions that students will be working on... Students, check yesterday's post for a link to help you with the "SIG" question!

The next few days may be a bit unusual due to the fact that Monsieur Wanie will be away... it's the longest stretch he's been away from work in 15 years! Anyway, Ms Agrapidis will be in covering and students have some bulletproof plans to follow with some great assignments and work to do. Students, be good!

Hopefully, next week, students will have a bit of an easier time, there's been lots of pressure lately so the plan is to make some rocks, trees and scenery for the classroom railway! Should be messy and fun!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Lundi le froid en novembre!

Brrr, a chilly first of November!

Anyway, today 86 and 87 finished up with the class-read of "Le galop du templier" in preparation for the test tomorrow... and the new novel on Wednesday.

Monsieur Wanie went through the "Geographie, chapitre 4" questions with both classes, and students started on the keywords. There are a couple tough questions and some fun projects in the chapter...

Here's a hint for one of the questions!

86, here's the link to the Greatest Canadian assignment:

Friday, October 29, 2010

Vendredi, vent, gris, froid.

This morning students in 87 had their class-read of "Le galop du templier". Monsieur Wanie discussed every possible aspect of the book in hopes that all students will ace the test!

As well, students in 87 had their marked 1:87th scale triangle assignments handed back. There were some very good artwork! (See below!)

In the afternoon, students in 86 handed-in their 1:87th scale triangle assignments and everyone proceeded to the Halloween dance.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Jeudi en octobre.

Today, 87 handed-in their 1:87th scale triangle assignment.

Students had more time to read "Le galop du templier" and in the afternoon, 86 had their class-read discussion with Monsieur Wanie.

Tomorrow, 86 must hand-in their 1:87th scale triangle assignment.

Both classes received their "community plan" back, almost everyone was awarded high marks... good job kids! There were some great ideas!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mercredi, le soleil et le vent.

Whoo, hoo! Another busy day! Must be the wind...

Anyway, both 86 and 87 had reading periods to have some time with the lates novel: "Le Galop du Templier". It's a tough one this time. So, students, if you need help before the class-read, come in early!

As well today, students had a last class opportunity to work on the 1:87th scale triangle assignment... it's due tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mardi gris, la pluie peut-etre...

It was great to see that 87 got a start on the food drive! Students, it would be cool if everyone could bring in two or three non-perishable food items!86 continued working on the city plan due tomorrow! 87 handed theirs in today.

This morning, Rosedale Heights came in to do a fantastic music, art, drama and dance presentation.

Yesterday was school spirit day, many kids dressed up in "Winona-wear" and face paint!

Monsieur Wanie built up a scary schoolhouse for the railroad... between work on the report cards and teaching class!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Lundi, gris... la pluie?

Monday... Students in 86 and 87 had their corrected "Geographie" collage assignments handed-back, everyone did a really good job on them. Students obviously put some thought into the question of the differences in the quality of life between Canada and developping nations.

86 had their pool class, most students remembered and participated...

In the afternoon, students attended a great presentation by Eric Walters put on by Ms. Banman.

Friday, October 22, 2010


Today, students in both 86 and 87 had their "Sonson et le volcan" and "Il fait quoi ton papa?" tests returned. The class went over the questions with Monsieur Wanie to sort out which, if any, of the questions gave students the most trouble.

Students also had an opportunity to work on their 1:87 scale scene.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Wow, busy day!

Today, students worked on their "Geographie" assignments: the city plan and the two cities question.

There was a short assembly that students participated in relating to some bullying issues around the school.

Oh, and there was a fire drill, the first of the year!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mercredi, bientot la pluie!

Whoo Hoo! Test day! Students in 87 were the first to do the "Il fait quoi ton papa?" test this morning. It was a bit of a mess with students arriving late to school, getting called out of class for shots and a few students talking during the test! Aargh! Anyway...

The day continued with students working on their 1:87 scale scene and 86 handed-in their "Geographie" assignment to be marked...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mardi, du gris et du soleil!

Gee, another really busy day!

Students in 86 and 87 had their marked triple picture assignment returned today.

Students in 87 had their 20 line "Geographie" answer marked and returned too.

In the afternoon, Monsieur Wanie had the class discussion on "Il fait quoi to papa?" in preparation for the test tomorrow.

And last thing in the afternoon, students worked on their latest art assignment, a scene in 1:87 scale... all preparation for the big classroom railroad / geographie assignment.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Lundi, frais, du soleil et du gris...

This morning was a busy day for both 86 and 87. Due today was the triple-picture-over-the-ages assignment. Most students handed their work in, several are falling down on their responsibilities and it's getting awful close to the Progress Report coming out soon! Others did really well and handed-in some great work!

Students worked individually on their "Geographie" question #5 from unit 3 and question #10 with partners...

Students also had a second period to read "Il fait quoi ton papa?". Some students are more focussed than others when it comes to reading!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Vendredi et le soleil et de retour.

Today, 87 had almost a full morning with Monsieur Wanie. In the 1st period, students worked on their "Geographie" question #5 paragraph. 2nd period, students worked on the triple picture over the ages assignment. And during the last period of the morning, students (the ones who were on task!) read "Il fait quoi ton papa?". Both 86 and 87 took home the posters that were part of the presentation at the beginning of the year.

83 worked on the "Qu'est-ce que tu as fait apres l'ecole hier?" dialogues.

In the afternoon, 86 had a choice of which of the above-mentionned assignments to work on, and then had their pool period.

Students, take note! Your triple picture project is due on Monday, coloured and complete.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Jeudi, la pluie.

Today, 86 and 87 continued their discussion with Monsieur Wanie about "Chapitre 3" in "Geographie". During class, students worked on a French paragraph describing a rural or urban environment and the advantages and inconveniences of each.

Students were also assigned a triple picture project. It is supposed to show the same "emplacement" (site) but at three different times in history (or the future).

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mercredi, le frais et le soleil.

Today, students in 86 had their "Sonson et le volcan" test and both 86 and 87 had their keyword and chapter discussion in "Geographie" with Monsieur Wanie.

Students, remember: If you miss a day of school for whatever reason, you should be phoning a friend, checking the blog and or comiong in early to class to find out what you've missed!

Progress reports are out in mid-November so be aware of your assignment due-dates and tests!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mardi, le soleil!

This morning, students had a bit of time to review "Sonson et le Volcan" before a short quiz.

Students then started reading the next story called "Il fait quoi ton papa?".

Monsieur Wanie called up students individually to have their 3D art assignments graded.

Both 86 and 87 participated in the "Choices for nine" presentation in the cafeteria.

And last period of the day, 87 had finally got back to the "Geographie" unit they had started work on more than a week ago! Tomorrow are the discussion periods on the keywords and chapter.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Vendredi, encore du soleil!

Today was the final day to work on the 3D buildings! Hopefully everyone is finished. If not, there's the weekend but students must hand their work in before 8:30 on Tuesday.

Hopefully everyone has a great and safe weekend!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Jeudi et le soleil est ressorti!

So, today was another whole day of working with the buildings and glue!
Main street is growing!
All buildings and shapes are due to be completed by Friday afternoon at 3pm! Students, work on them at home or come in early to finish them!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mercredi. Il pleut encore!?

This morning, 87 had another period to get their buildings completed. Some students are really adding detail and effort to their assignments...

The whole school participated in the QSP assembly where they were informed of the magazine drive...

In the afternoon, 86 had their period to continue on their buildings... Monsieur Wanie even did a couple to give students an idea of what they can accomplish with a little practice!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mardi pluvieux.

Today, students in 86 and 87 worked well all day on their 3D shapes and started on their building models!83 worked on the "La derniere mode" dialogue and did some latest-in-fashion drawings. Students, be sure you have the "liste de vocabulaire" completed! Quiz SOON!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Lundi, frais et le soleil.

Monsieur Wanie is back from his absence last Friday. It was good to see that Miss Ghita left a nice note with the names of many hardworking students. Apparently classes were chatty but polite. Good stuff kids!

Today, students in 86 and 87 did some work on their perspective art project, moving from 2D drawings in perspective to modeling 3D shapes. They modeled a 2cm x 6cm rectangle and began designing their own second two-part shape.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Today, Monsieur Wanie was absent, but Miss Ghita was in as a supply.

Students in 86 and 87 worked on the 3rd "Geographie" chapter keywords and questions.

Some students worked on their drawing units and their "Sonson" novels.

83 students worked on the "La derniere mode" dialogue and questions.

Hopefully, students have a great and safe weekend!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Jeudi, gris.

This morning, it was 87's turn to start the perspective drawing unit. Students had a double period to practice drawing rectangles, cylinders, and cubes in perspective and making the shapes into buildings and such...

83 came to class and got a heads-up on the exercises for tomorrow as well as writing some "detecteur de mensonge" sentences.

Later in the day, both 86 and 87 noted the keywords and questions for "Geographie, chapitre 3" and began working on the chapter in small groups.

Tomorrow, Monsieur Wanie will be absent. A day plane was discussed with all classes and written on the white-board for students information. Hopefully all students will work hard and act appropriately for the supply.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mercredi, le beau temps de retour!

Today, 86 started their art unit. It's a pencil drawing unit focusing on the design element of "forced perspective". Students worked to produce rectangles, squares, pie shapes and cylinders.

In the afternoon, 83 worked with Monsieur Wanie to produce a paragraph for a short oral presentation. The class also worked on a short "true/false/possible" exercise.

86 and 87 both had their class discussions on the novel "Sonson et le volcan". It was also 87s turn to hand in their "Geographie" collages.

Tomorrow, 87 starts the art unit!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mardi, pluie

A quick reminder: Students who need to hand in a late assignment, meet with Monsieur Wanie for whatever reason, or want to come in to hang out or mess with the classroom train, must come in BY OR BEFORE 8:30. Students should not be wandering the halls between 8:30 and the bell.

In class today, 86 and 87 continued the reading of their first French novel, "Sonson et le volcan". Both classes had a double period to read and answer the comprehension questions in preparation for the class discussion tomorrow.

Oh, and tomorrow, 86 starts an art/drawing unit. 87 starts Thursday.

And tomorrow, the "Geographie" collage is due for 87! Thursday for 86!

And 87 has pool tomorrow, bring your swim stuff!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Lundi gris...

Before school this morning, a few students came in early to ask for extensions for the "Revolution Industrielle" assignment that's due today. Students remember: it's BEFORE 8:30 that you need to come in for such things...Anyway, during the school day, Monsieur Wanie went over the "Geographie, Chapitre 2" questions again with both classes to clarify what is necessary to fully answer the questions. Then, both classes had an opportunity to start reading the first French novel of the year, "Sonson et le volcan". Students will be reading several novels this year, as well as a few comic books, presenting related projects and doing reading comprehension quizzes. Of course, as much as the class has time to read independently, Monsieur Wanie will also go over the novels with the class before assignments and quizzes are due.

83 worked on their "Etienne paragraph" and prepared for the "Test de vocabulaire" that's coming up soon.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Vendredi, la pluie ou le beau temps?

Well, this morning was fun, students did their Terry Fox run!

Not wanting to miss the opportunity to teach a lesson (LOL), students in 86 and 87 followed Monsieur Wanie and Mr. Rowinsky through Wychwood Park past the visible parts of Taddle Creek, along the old shoreline of Lake Iroquois to the Roycroft Wetland at the base of Winston Churchill park/reservoir. Rosanna, Michelle, Spiro and Ethan won the commemorative 30th Anniversary Terry Fox shoelaces for today's best runners of classes 86 and 87. And Rocky was kind enough to provide every student with freezies just before lunch! Thanks Rocky!
In the afternoon, students participated in a dance! Good times at Winona, good times!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Jeudi, le soleil resort. Une belle journee!

Today, students in 87 had two periods in homeroom, one to work on the "Revolution Industrielle" assignment, the other during which Monsieur Wanie went over the "Chapitre 2 Geographie" questions and students worked on them.

86 only had one period of homeroom today and it was taken up by Mr Rowinsky's math test.

Just to clear up some due-date confusion in 86 and 87: the "Revolution Industrielle" assignment good copy is due on Monday, September 27th for both 86 and 87. The question #4 collage from "Geo, Chapitre 2" is due on Wednesday, September 29th for 87 and Thursday, September 30th for 86.

Today, 83 missed working on the "Etienne" paragraph in their notebooks because of the Terry Fox assembly at the end of the day. On Monday, students will start gathering ideas for a similar "Etienne" paragraph for themselves. Monsieur Wanie will read the paragraph with the class to make sure everyone understands...
If you were anywhere near Queen's Park last Sunday, you'd have seen two of Monsieur Wanie's favourite cyclists: Michael Barry and Ryder Hesjedal.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mercredi, la pluie et la tempete!

Wow, today was a busy day for students!
Classes 86 and 87 had discussions with Monsieur Wanie on the "Gepgraphie, Chapitre 2" key words. Students took down class-notes for the definitions. 86 had their chance to "shoot the breeze" at the end of the day...
83 worked on their "Qui est ton prof?" sentences with Monsieur Wanie.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mardi, du vent mais il fait beau.

So, today was photo day, students in 83, 86, and 87 went down to the cafeteria to get their individual and class pictures taken...

Both 86 and 87 finished their rough drafts and started working on the good copies of the industrial revolution 4-picture assignment.

Monsieur Wanie worked with 83 on the "La fin des vacances" dialogue and students started on the two-part "Qui est ton prof?" exercise.

It looks like a beautiful afternoon. Students, after school, hang out outside for a while... then go home and get your homework done!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Lundi, le soleil brille et if fait beau!

Another beautiful day out!

Students are back from the weekend and working hard.

Today 86 and 87 worked on their keywords, chapter 2 "Geographie" questions and their 4 picture industrial revolution assignment.

83 was assigned their "Collage d'articles scolaires" collage due on Monday, September 27th. A few students still need to present their "Premier projet orale"! Students who have not yet finished their "vocabulaire" lists need to come in early to get extra help and get it done.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Vendredi, il refait soleil!

It was great to meet all the parents and guardians of students in 83, 86, and 87 yesterday evening at Curriculum Night, thanks all for coming out! If you missed the opportunity to come in and meet Monsieur Wanie and check out the resources and classroom, a short outline was sent home with your son or daughter today.

For students, today was all about the "Geographie" keywords. Students worked in groups to read and research the 2nd chapter.

A reminder for students to check and read the links from yesterday's blog post over the weekend.

Meet Spike:

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Jeudi, le gris et la pluie.

Wow, it's a really rainy day! Hopefully the culverted Taddle and Garrison Creeks don't back up in neighbourhood basements! Students, read up on these links! Class discussion to follow!

This morning, Monsieur Wanie continued yesterday's discussion with 86 on the first "Geographie" chapter questions. Then, students took down all the second chapter keywords and got started on the chapter reading... 87 came in and did some changing around of the desks, did a short peer evaluation of the "Premier Projet Oral" posters and in the afternoon continued work on the keywords. 86 had their opportunity in the afternoon to do the peer evaluation of the posters and worked with Monsieur Wanie to finish off the first chapter keyword definitions, then went right on to work on the second chapter keywords in groups.

Don't forget, it's curriculum night tonight!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mercredi, encore une journee de soleil!

Today, students in 87 worked with Monsieur Wanie to come up with class answers for the first "Geographie" chapter. Students participated well and made sure their notebooks were neat and complete. The class noted the keywords for the second chapter just before lunchtime. Great work, kids!

A large portion of students in 83 did their "Premier projet oral" in front of the class, some students needed a lesson in how or how much clapping is required or polite between presentations! Anyway, most were well done. Good stuff, kids!

In the afternoon, students in 86 took down the classroom answers for the first "Geographie" chapter and Monsieur Wanie and the class had a discussion to sum up some of the questions in the unit.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mardi, il fait tres beau dehors!

What a nice day out! Anyone know Mint Sauce the Mountainbiking sheep?In class, students in both 86 and 87 who had not presented their "Projet Oral" yesterday came up to present in front of the class.

86 had their research period on the "Geographie" questions. In the afternoon, Monsieur Wanie worked with students to build class answers for the notebooks.

83 worked on the doodle/rough draft of their rectangle project for the "premier presentation oral" due tomorrow.

A quick reminder about Curriculum night. Students, please remind your parents or guardians that it will take place this Thursday evening, starting in the Winona gym at 6:30pm... This is a great opportunity for parents to come in and find out about the programme that their children will be following this year...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Lundi, la deuxieme semaine d'ecole!

Today, students in both 86 and 87 presented the "Premier Projet Orale". A few students came in early to explain why they couldn't do the presentation today, a few others forgot, and everyone else did really well and came up with some terrific presentations and posters!

87 had a "research period" to work in groups on the first of the "Geographie" chapter questions. 86 only had part of a period to work... there will be more time for both classes with the textbook.
83 worked on their first "Liste de vocabulaire", hopefully tomorrow students will be able to work on the "Premiere presentation Orale" due to be presented on Wednesday.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Vendredi, if fait soleil aujourd'hui!

Hey, yay! It's Friday of the first week of school!

Today, students in 86 and 87 worked on their keywords and definitions in Geographie. Monsieur Wanie worked with students to come up with some class definitions for students' notebooks.

83 working on their first chapter definitions in the French textbook.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Jeudi gris et frais!

Today, Monsieur Wanie's classes handed-in some paperwork relating to the start of the year. Students in 83, 86 and 87 all received new notebooks and started on a sentence-building exercise.

87 began their "Geographie" programme and worked in groups, taking notes and writing up definitions for some of the first chapter keywords... 86 starts tomorrow.

Congrats Sophie for being the first student from 86 to comment on the blog!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mercredi, le temps variable.

Today, Monsieur Wanie did some collecting of money for school fees and handed out some locks so students could pick their lockers.

Students continued working on their rectangle project, now officially called: Le premier projet orale. Monsieur Wanie assigned the end product of the project which is an oral presentation due on Monday, September 13th. Students must present their project on a bristol board in front of the class.
In class, Isaiah from 83, Spiro from 86 and Shea from 87 had an opportunity to do a quick demonstration of the classroom railroad... Hopefully there will be a few students to run it for parents on curriculum night next week!
86 also received their new notebooks and began working on a short ten sentence assignment. 87 and 83 will get their notebooks and assignment tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Le 7 septembre, premiere journee de l'annee 2010/2011.

Whoo hoo, it's the first day of the new school year! Hopefully everyone had a great summer and is ready to get down to the business of grade 8!

Monsieur Wanie (Pronounced: wah-nee) introduced himself to all his new students and distributed all the beginning-of-the-year paperwork. Students need to remember to bring all the required cash and forms back to school as soon as possible.

Students started on an introductory assignment, a few rectangles of text and pictures...

Monday, June 28, 2010

Lundi, remise des diplomes!

Well, this is it!

In the morning, there was an assembly in the gym where Honour Roll and Principal's list recipients were celebrated. Then all grade 8s made their way to Vaughan Road Academy for the graduation rehearsal and students were given their reports and dismissed.

In the evening, Monsieur Wanie attended the graduation ceremony and handed both 86 and 87 their diplomas and congratulated them for a year well done.

Hopefully all students have a safe summer and a great high school experience! Come by and say hi sometime! It was a great year and students: you will be missed!

Wanie out.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Vendredi de la derniere semaine complete.

Well, today is Friday of the last full week of school!

Hopefully all students handed-in their "Histoire Courte", and have presented their solo and group projects. A few students came in early to present. Some students helped Monsieur Wanie and Mr. Wozniak to tidy up their classrooms. Good thing too, it's pretty grungy from a year's worth of classwork!

In the afternoon, class 86 had a couple extra pool periods. They've missed quite a few opportunities to swim lately...

During 87's period, there were several solo project presentations. Most students did decently, some did too much reading and not enough presenting.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Jeudi, pluie et soleil.

This morning, 86 ran the first train around the entire classroom! Monsieur Wanie had finished soldering the last rails just before the bell at 8:45. A few students completed od jobs on the railroad while others worked quietly.

There were a few solo project presentations and then students went back to working on their "Courte Histoire en bande dessinee".

In the aftenoon, students attended the talent show. There were some pretty good acts and a couple that may have needed a bit more time...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Mercredi, soleil ensuite pluie...

Today, 86 and 87 worked once again on their "Courte Histoire en bande dessinee" and solo projects. A few students presented this morning, some well researched short projects.

Adam Z. did lots of work on the railroad today, painting a mountain and making trees! Aidan and Ethan joined Adam in the afternoon to do put down some ground cover, and Mark had a turn at the throttle... Matt, Noah and Nick also worked at painting the mountain... And Monsieur Wanie is going to try to pick up the last bits of track this afternoon so that by tomorrow afternoon the train will run all the way around the classroom!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mardi mouille.

So today, Monsieur Wanie's class worked lots on their "Courte Histoire en bande dessinee".

Lots of progress on the classroom railway too! Students had it runnning almost all the way around the class. Monsieur Wanie observed some great Engineer-Throttleman cooperation!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Lundi, la derniere semaine.

So, everyone who attended Arowhon has returned from the wilds of Algonquin Provincial Park. It was a great week away from the busy, smelly city; an adventure and an experience that students will carry with them to high school and perhaps beyond. Hopefully students had a restful weekend and are ready for the last week of school.

Today, students worked on their "Courte Histoire en bande dessinee". Some students worked on the railroad. Hopefully, it will be running by the middle of the week! And for the last period of the day, Monsieur Wanie took 86 outside, it was way too hot in the classroom...

Friday, June 11, 2010

Vendredi! Juste avant Arowhon.

Today, students did some work on the classroom railway again. Nearer and nearer to completion! Students worked at building a hill, painting the background and putting ground cover on the little hill...

There were also a few students who presented their Solo Projects. Well done kids!

Unfortunately, three students were sent to the office this morning for not having their work at school... seriously, why come to school if you refuse to bring the required work! Aaargh!

Class 87 had a full period to clean out their stinky lockers and find their "Geographie" and "Histoire" textbooks to hand back in...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jeudi, le temps variable.

Today, classes seemed empty what with Sevec and Music camp going on... the students who were present worked on their "Courte Histoires", their Solo projects and their group projects. Some students went to room 17 and the library to research, others worked well in class.

87 had their pool period today and 86 has theirs tomorrow. Don't forget your swim stuff!

The last Arowhon meeting before we depart will be tomorrow just before noon. Monsieur Wanie and Monsieur Ferron will hand out the packing list again and offer a few tips as well as remind student of safety and camp rules and expectations.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Mercredi, la pluie.

Today, students in both 86 and 87 had their "Courte Histoire en bande dessinee" work checked. There are some really great comic strips in the making... Later in the day, a few students presented their group project. And there was a big group of students who worked on the Classroom Railroad...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Mardi, il fait frais mais beau!

So today, classes worked on their "Courte histoire en bande dessinee" as well as their solo and group projects. Today was a solo project milestone check. It was a pretty uneventful day, thankfully. Monsieur Wanie's students have completed the majority of the year's program and need only to show a few last skills to pass muster.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Lundi, il fait frais et le soleil brille.

Today, several students worked on the railroad almost all day. It's getting pretty close to running. One last mountain to build and the cityscape background is almost finished.

Students also worked on their solo projects and one group did their project presentation.

As well, students had an opportunity to work ont the "Courte Histoire en bande dessinee".

A few students brought in their Graduation party money and a few students came in early to hand-in work missing from their file folders for evaluation.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Vendredi, une semaine avant Arowhon!

Today, Monsieur Wanie handed out the file-folders and "check-box-sheets" to provide students and parents or guardians a heads-up before the report cards come out in a few weeks.

Students worked on the railway project, painting another mountain, balasting the track and painting the STILL unfinished cityscape background.

Hopefully students will have a fun and safe weekend!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Jeudi, soleil ou pluie.

This morning students in 87 worked on their "Courte Histoire" assignments and solo projects.

Monsieur Wanie did the solo project milestone check in the afternoon.

Monsieur Wanie also prepared students file folders to go home tomorrow. Parents and Guardians will be able to see the grades students are likely to get on the final report, not counting of course the last three assignments. This will also provide students with a heads-up about their report card marks. They have a minimum amount of time left in the year to bring grades up if they are not what they should be.

A few students made the choice to present their solo projects and benefit from the bonus marks awarded to early presenters! Good job kids!

NB Students, tomorrow is the last day to bring forms and or cash for the graduation day early dismissal and party thing...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mercredi, la pluie arrive?

This morning, Monsieur Wanie had each student up to his desk for a short heads-up look at the file folder. The idea was to give students a look into what they should be expecting on the report card in third term. Most students worked very well, and will be awarded some decent grades. It makes Monsieur Wanie proud to be able to say he's the teacher of these good kids!

Anyway, Monsieur Wanie must be in a good mood today because he cut students a break by lowering the quantity expectations of the "Courte Histoire" assignment from 15-20 pages to 10-15. Students have many end-of-year responsibilities and they have worked very well all year so it seemed to make sense...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Mardi, Monsieur Wanie en colere!

Monsieur Wanie returned today to find the classroom in total disarray... and a note from the supply outlining what happened yesterday as well as a list of students who did not stay on task or were a disruptive nuisance.

So this morning, despite the bumpy start, students worked on their "Courte Histoire en bande dessinee" assignment.

In the afternoon, several groups in 87 presented early and received bonus marks for doing so. The three presentations were well done and showed a great amount of effort and imagination!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Lundi, le soleil, la chaleur

So today, Ms Q. was in for Monsieur Wanie. It was hoped that all students worked well and made some progress on all assignments and projects... and no one got in trouble this time!

However, Monsieur Wanie has heard that that turned out not to be the case as many students refused to cooperate and work on the assigned tasks. Monsieur Tancredi and Monsieur daLuz had to come up twice each to establish peace and outline the rules... So there will be trouble when Monsieur Wanie returns!

Milestone checks tomorrow!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Vendredi, un peu chaud toujours...

This morning, a group of students presented their group project. It was very well done with some very funny parts and some good participation from students in other classes and even a teacher performance! Well done kids!

Students then worked on their solo projects. Some students have great work on the way, others haven't done so much... 87 had their group milestone check, most student's projects are looking good so far...

Later in the day, students worked on the classroom railway. There is still the city background to finish and the hill with the tunnel to paint. Monsieur Wanie will be picking up the last bits of track this weekend to finish off the loop around the room...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Jeudi, il fait chaud en classe encore...

This morning, students in 86 and 87 worked on their group presentations. In the afternoon, both classes had their group work milestone check.

As well in the afternoon, Monsieur Wanie outlined the last assignment of the term, a "Courte Histoire en bande dessinee", in other words a short story in comic book form. The FIRM due date for this assignment is June 25th.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mercredi, il fait chaud!

Wow, it is sweltering in the classroom.

Today, 86 and 87 worked on their solo projects and submitted their classwork for a milestone check.

In the afternoon, 86 worked on the classroom railroad. They built some hills and did some painting.

And in the last part of both double periods, Monsieur Wanie took students outside for some fresh air...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mardi, le retour de la longue fin de semaine.

This morning, students in 87 handed-in their last "Histoire" assignment. Some students were in early this morning to ask for extensions until Thursday... 87 also had some time to work on their Solo Presentations and made some great progress on the classroom railway...

In the afternoon, many students from 86 were out of class filming for their group or solo projects.

Both 86 and 87 received a form today that needs to be filled out at home regarding June 28th, graduation day. Parents or guardians must circle either "yes" or "no" to allow their child to miss the afternoon's classes to prepare for graduation. Parents and students must also decide wether their children will be participating in the Graduation Celebration at Villa Columbo.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Vendredi, presque la fin de semaine.

The pool is open today!

First thing in the morning, students in both 86 and 87 did some work on their last "Histoire" chapters.

Later in the morning, 87 had a double period in which they worked on the classroom railroad.

In the afternoon, 86 had their pool period and most students swam.

Due next week:
1) "Histoire, Prise 2"
2) Milestone checks of the presentations.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Jeudi, la piscine est ouverte!

So, it appears that the pool is repaired and open today! 86, bring your swim stuff tomorrow!

A big congrats go out to all the participants in yesterday's concert, it was a big hit! Big thanks also to Monsieur Ulmann and Madame Josipovic for inspiring all the musicians.

Today, 86 and 87 had their first "milestone check" for the French and Histoire presentations. And in the afternoon, both classes worked on the French folders that are due to appear in the folders tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mercredi, plein de musique...

Today, classes were fully involved in rehearsals for the spring concert.

In class, for the first period, students worked on the latest French folders. During the second period, students had a chance to work on their French and Histoire presentations. Monsieur Wanie explained the concept of marking milestones for evaluative purposes and gave students some further guidelines for their projects.

The afternoon was pretty much devoid of classes, given that there was a full concert rehearsal.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mardi, un peu gris...

This morning, Monsieur Wanie outlined the questions of the last "Histoire" chapter. Surely, students must be happy that the "Histoire" textbook will be handed-back next week!

Later in the day, students put some order into their file-folders. The idea was to take a look at what assignments are still missing and do a self evaluation for the term. All assignments that are currently in the folders have been graded and Monsieur Wanie is starting to compile marks for the final reports. The end of the year is coming up soon!

Students, take note: There will be two presentation assignments to be researched and completed before the end of the year... one for French, the other for histoire. Keep in mind that these assignments will have a direct impact on your year-end reports, so they must be completed with care!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Lundi, le soleil.

Today Monsieur Wanie came back from the weekend to find out that several of his students got themselves into trouble on Friday. It's amazing what happens on any given day at school! Hopefully for those students, they understand that their participation on the Camp Arowhon trip is in jeopardy and that their behaviour will be monitored until the day of departure. It is imperative that students conduct themselves in a manner that doesn't put their safety at risk and that they use common sense and good judgement!

That aside, today students worked on the art assignments for the classroom railroad, both the good copies of the previously submitted mock-ups and the cityscape background...

And students also worked on the latest French Folders.

It was also the due-date for "Histoire, Chapitre 12" so most students handed-in their assignments by placing them in their respective folders in the file-cabinet. This week is the file self-evaluation, so hopefully students are up to date in their assignments.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Vendredi, chez le dentiste.

Hopefully students took great care today to work on their assignments with the supply teacher... Monsieur Wanie was away again!!

Anyway, next week will be a week of work and play. Get ready!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Jeudi, soleil ou pluie?

So, today was another day of work on the "modern artist" assignment. It's great to see the progress made in class on the students' different pieces. There are many really well-interpreted canvases.

Students assembled their latest French folders, "La plage", "Le camping et la peche" and "Le temps".

Tomorrow, Monsieur Wanie will be away yet again. There will be a double period for each class to finish-up on the artwork, it's due on Monday! And classes will also have time to work on the latest French folders...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mercredi, mi-semaine mouille...

Today, both classes 86 and 87 worked very well on their modern artist assignment despite some students forgetting their supplies. A big thank you to parents who scrambled to the art store on such short notice. It seems the students didn't mention this project 6 weeks ago when it was first begun!

Anyway, the day went by with a great deal of progress made on the assignments. Hopefully we'll get to do some more work on the classroom railway, time is running out for it to get up and running...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mardi, frais dehors.

This morning, 86 worked on their modern artist assignment. Tomorrow, students will need to bring their paint and supplies to work on the good copy.

In the latter part of the morning, 87 missed their pool periods because of the broken "main pool pump" and somehow got into trouble with the supply teacher in Ms Gesner's classroom. As such, Monsieur Wanie had a few words with them and then 87 went to the library to research the modern artist assignment.

Both Monsieur Tancredi and Monsieur DaLuz came in yesterday to talk to classes about some behaviour issues. Students, it is important to abide by school and common sense rules regarding behaviour so as not to get into or create trouble.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Lundi, soleil...

Monday, a chilly one! Many students did not get all their work done on Friday with the supply teacher! So this morning 86 and 87 are playing catch-up to try to get their work done...

A few students came in early to ask for extensions on their "Histoire, chapitre 11" that was due today...

"Histoire, chapitre 12" is due a week Monday (the 17, May)

Monsieur Wanie went over all the questions of the new "Histoire" chapter with both classes today...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Vendredi, soleil et pluie.

Does anyone ever like going to the Dentist?

Monsieur Wanie would much rather have been at work!

Anyway, both 86 and 87 had a solid day planned for them today. A little work on the new French folders, a little work on the computers in the library and a little work on the "Histoire" unit due on Monday!

Hopefully, everyone has a safe weekend!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Jeudi, beacoup de vent.

Today, students in 86 and 87 picked up their lates French Folder, with "Chapitre 23: Au theatre et au cinema, Chapitre 24: Au concert", and "Chapitre 25: Les sports". "Chapitre 22: A la maison" is due to be handed-in on Monday.

Students were reminded of the "Histoire, Chapitre 11" assignment due on Monday and the last two chapters due shortly thereafter.

Tomorrow, students will begin the rough drafts of work on a "Modern Artist" art assignment that everyone began a few weeks back. On the go already art-wise is the good copy of the railroad industry mock-ups...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mercredi, l'orage cet apres-midi?

So, this morning, Monsieur Shipinkas came in to give 86 and heads-up about the CASI test coming up soon.

Monsieur Wanie read the riot act to 86 for not having completed "Chapitre 22" of the French folder yet while Monsieur Wanie and 87 have already taken up 3/4s of the chapter!

Some pictures came back from the TDSB Music Mondays at Yonge-Dundas Square, great job!
And in the afternoon Monsieur Wanie had a discussion regarding some "issues" that have been occuring in class and outside the school. A reminder to students: Read the Code Of Conduct in your agenda and be aware of the possible consequences to breaking the rules... You are young adults and are entitled to a safe environment in which to grow and learn. If your safety or well-being is in any way threatened, you must tell an adult, ask someone for help or phone the police.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mardi, belle journee!

Today, in the morning, 87 worked on their railway assignment and Monsieur Wanie took up some of "Chapitre 22: A la maison".

In the afternoon, JJ, the Camp Arowhon director, came in to present the slide show and answer some questions. Monsieur Wanie and Monsieur Ferron handed out forms to every participant. It was frustrating to note how many information forms were not filled out with Ohip numbers and emergency contact information! Students, get all the information filled out!!! You will NOT be allowed on the trip without the necessary information provided. Parents, please be sure to include all required information.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Lundi, le soleil brille!

This morning, 86 and 87 had to hand-in their "Histoire, Chapitre 10". A few students had come in early to ask for extensions. Remember, the folders are being graded now! Any assignments not handed-in on time are unlikely to be assigned a mark!

A reminder to students of tomorrow's Arowhon slideshow and meeting during periods 6 and 7, and to parents of a meeting for them regarding Arowhon at 6:30pm in the Winona staffroom. All students participating in the trip will be given an important document tomorrow to be reviewed in detail with their parent or guardian before departure on the trip. As well today is the due-date for the remainder of the Arowhon payment.

In class, at the end of the morning, students in 87 worked on the planning for the final copy of their buildings/industries. Most students have decent mock-ups done and need to figure out how to incorporate their designs into the railroad layout.

86 had their swim period in the afternoon. And that was pretty much it to the day!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Vendredi, la fin du mois.

First of all, congratulations to the students who participated in the presentation and production of "West Side Story". Great job kids! And a congratulations to Ms Banman and all the other staff who worked hard to make the musical possible.

This morning, 86 had some time to work on the "Histoire, Chapitre 10" that is due Monday.

It was 87s day for pool. There are still a few students who are risking their term mark by refusing to swim.

In the afternoon, classes 86 and 87 did a desk-cleaning and worked to rid themselves of the "Histoire" chapter homework. Some students also took the time to wash their desks. The Japanese school that comes in on the weekend will be especially happy to use some clean desks...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Jeudi, la piece de theatre...

Just to correct an earlier mistake Monsieur Wanie made in handing out his incorrect email address, brain fade, sorry... Parents, to contact Monsieur Wanie please email: or phone or pop by anytime!

Today again, many students were out of the class working away at the musical. In the morning, both 86 and 87 worked on their "Histoire" and French Folders.

In the afternoon, students were treated to the premiere of the Musical: West Side Story.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mercredi, mi-semaine ensoleille.

So, this morning, Monsieur Wanie posted the "Histoire" questions right up to the end of the textbook/year for students who want to get some of the grade 8 program completed. Of course, Monsieur Wanie will be going over the chapters and questions over the next few weeks and posting due-dates as per usual... See below:

Histoire Chapitre 10
VTC: 1-6
ATC: 1, 4, 5
a rendre lundi 3 mai

Histoire Chapitre 11
VTC: 2
ATC: 5, 8

Histoire Chapitre 12
VTC: 1, 2, 5, 7
ATC: 1, 3

Histoire Prise 2
VTC: 1, 2, 4
ATC: 1, 3, 6

N.B. To Parents and Guardians: If your son or daughter is slated to participate in the Arowhon trip, you should have received a sheet advising the date and time of the slide show and information session. It is to take place on Tuesday, May 4th at 6:30 in the Winona Staff Room. This is an opportunity to both: get information on the activities your children will be participating in as well as, be made aware of some of the important Camp rules and regulations. It is strongly recommended that Parents or Guardians attend this meeting.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mardi, le soleil, le vent et le froid!

This morning, classes were still running at two thirds. Many students were either in the musical or working on the production.

Students who remained in class worked on "Histoire, Chapitre 10".

In the afternoon, students worked on the city skyline backdrop for the classroom railroad...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Lundi, debut de semaine...

This morning, students in 86 did some work in their French Folders.

In the afternoon, students worked on some city skyline backdrops for the classroom railroad.

Later in the afternoon, it was 87s turn to work on their French Folders.

It seems work has somewhat slowed lately what with a third of the class missing at any given time for the musical!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Vendredi, la danse est aujourd'hui!

This morning, students in 87 worked on their new French Folders as well as "Histoire, Chapitre 10".

It was a pretty easy day, Winona students had their "Earth Day Dance" in the afternoon.

Students, do not forget to get some work done this weekend on your new French Folder and your latest "Histoire" chapter...

More work on the classroom railroad next week!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Jeudi, frais et le soleil.

Monsieur Wanie went over the "Histoire, Chapitre 10" questions with students in 86 and 87 and provided some hints from the chapter to help them get started.

Students in 87 had a period to catch up on some back-logged work. Others painted one of the mountains on the classroom railway and a Nathan and Jacob helped Monsieur Wanie put up the profile boards on the section at the back of the class. The two rivers with bridges are complete and part of the track is in working order. More work to be done!

In the afternoon, 86 had their swim period even though many students were out of class working with Ms. Banman on the Musical...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mercredi, 20C?

So, the interruptions due to the musical continue today. Some students are not getting their classwork done because of it! 86 and 87, your primary responsibility is your work in class!

Students who have completed their French Folders put together their new one: "Chapitre 22: A la maison" and began working on it.

Monsieur Wanie assigned "Histoire: Chapitre 10" see below.

Histoire: Chapitre 10
VTC 1-6
ATC 1, 4, 5
A rendre lundi le 3 mai.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mardi ensoleille!

Today, Monsieur Wanie handed-back the "Passe Compose" sentence assignment from yesterday.

Amid the numerous interruptions for the musical rehearsals and the yearbook pictures, students were given a worksheet on the "Passe Compose" to practice their (somewhat rusty) verb conjugation skills. Really, does anyone remember the full Dr Mrs Vandertramp chart?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Lundi, le soleil brille mais il fait frais.

This morning, both 86 and 87 completed a short writing piece on the "Passe Compose". Although students were assigned a grade out of 20, it was only used for students to guage their knowledge and to inform them of their need to brush up on certain areas of grammar that Monsieur Wanie will be working on in class...

In the afternoon, Monsieur Wanie gave an overview of some of the most common errors in the "Passe Compose" and encouraged students to write the DR MRS VANDERTRAMP key to verbs conjugated with "Etre" in the "PC". Then, students had an opportunity to give their sentence piece another go.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Vendredi, la pluie arrive... peut-etre.

Today, Students in 86 and 87 handed-in their Folded Paper Projects. A few students were in early to get extensions.

Monsieur Wanie went over the "Histoire, Chapitre 9" questions with 86 as he did with 87 the other day. Students in 86 need to get those 30 magazine/book questions done ASAP!!

Due on Monday: "Histoire, Chapitre 9"

Hopefully, everyone has a safe weekend!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Jeudi et encore le soleil!

This morning, students in 86 did some plastering of the last mountain on the classroom railroad, and some great painting of the latest benchwork...

In the afternoon, both classes worked on their Folded Paper Projects (due Friday) and their "Histoire Chapitre 9" (due Monday)...

It was a pretty low key workday. Students: at this time of year, it's always best to get down to business and not forget that the year isn't yet over. Spring does not equal slacking!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mercredi et le soleil brille encore!

So, yesterday's Swimming City Finals went well, the Grade 8 Girls won the Conference and the Grade 8 Boys came second! Awesome job kids!

This morning, 87 started work on "Histoire, Chapitre 9" that is due on Monday and did a little work on the French Folders too.

In the afternoon, students were invited to Oakwood to attend a dance recital. A decent way to spend an afternoon!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mardi tranquille...

Today, 86 and 87 worked on the folded paper assignment that is due on Friday.

87 did some work on the railway. Painting, background building, and putting ground cover on some hills were all jobs that were attended-to...

In the afternoon, Monsieur Wanie was out of the building coaching the Winona Sharks Swim Team at the city finals at Rosedale Heights.

86 had a double period to work on their magazines and books and to formulate the 30 discussion questions for our outside class two weeks from now...

Monday, April 12, 2010

Lundi en plein soleil.

A sunny day to begin the week!

Both 86 and 87 worked on their folded paper projects. They are due on Friday the 16th.

Students did a great job of working on the classroom railroad last week, but there are still may things incomplete... Hopefully classes can make even more headway this week!

As well, "Histoire Chapitre 8" was due on the 6th of April and many students have ignored the deadline only to find out that they are not getting their grad photo packages until the assignments are handed-in!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Vendredi gris et humide.

So, more work on the railroad... students were plastering one of the last hills, putting sand and gravel ground cover on the mountains and painting the rivers, painting and preparing backdrops, helping Monsieur Wanie cut some valleys for the rivers, planning waterfalls, cutting bridges and a myriad of other little jobs...

Oh, and in between, there was some work done on both the folded paper projects and the French Folders.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Jeudi, encore de la pluie.

During the morning, students worked on the French Folders. The idea was to complete up to and including chapter 11 before getting back to work on the classroom railroad.

In the afternoon, class 86 did some major painting on the hills of the railway, it's starting to look more and more like a real scene!

As well, in the afternoon, students worked on their folded paper projects. Most of the drawings are already complete so it's on to the colouring-in and attention to detail.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Mercredi, le 7 avril.

Today, many students are out of the building. Some have gone on a choir field trip and others to a badminton tournament.

That leaves the rest of 86 and 87 to work on the railroad again. More hills, painting and plaster. Messy, messy stuff. Hopefully we'll be painting and putting sand on the hills tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

De retour a l'ecole...

So, students are back at school after a beautiful and busy four day weekend...
This week is dedicated to getting some of the projects on the classroom railway completed.
Students did some painting of backdrops and building of plaster hills. It's coming along nicely!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Jeudi, presque la fin de semaine.

So, the Novel Triple Projects are due today. Lots of students are scampering to get them printed and handed-in, so it's good to see a bit of positive energy around...

In the morning today, 87 worked on the folded paper projects and the grammar folders.

In the afternoon, students handed-in the Triple Project and Monsieur Wanie outlined the construction work that students will be challenged with next week on the classroom railroad.

Hopefully, students will have a great, safe long Holiday weekend!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Encore le soleil!

Another sunny morning and the spring weather is arriving quickly! Students (and maybe teachers too!) are a bit squirrely this morning, possibly because of yesterday night's full moon! Maybe it's spring fever, who knows...

Anyhow, 86 and 87 were given a stern warning against any pranks tomorrow. Punishment may include suspension and/or removal from the Arowhon trip. Students' need to show a degree of maturity!

Today, both classes worked on the Folded Paper Grammar Assignments as well as the French Folder. Monsieur Wanie is taking up "Chapitre 10" tomorrow.

Next week, students will be spending lots of time on the scenery for the classroom railroad. Hopefully everyone will be working hard! It needs to be much closer to completion than it already is for the first train to run right around the classroom!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mardi et Monsieur Wanie n'est pas a l'ecole!

So today, Monsieur Wanie had some things to take care of outside the school... that left a pretty strange supply in charge of the class. Perhaps that was a mean comment, but that was the consensus among students.

Anyway, students in both 86 and 87 were working on the French Folders and the Folded Paper Grammar Assignments...

Monsieur Wanie was unhappy to have missed the Honour Roll assembly yesterday, congratulations to those who received a certificate and to everyone else who is working towards one!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Lundi, temps variable!

Today, students and Monsieur Wanie took up "Chapitre 9" of the French folders. There were many students who had not completed the chapter as of Friday. Hopefully those students worked on it over the weekend.

As well today, Monsieur Wanie assigned a new French grammar assignment.

The parameters of the new art project were also explained... lots to do, lots to do!!

Students, DO NOT FORGET, your Novel Triple Project is due on Thursday!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Vendredi, il fait soleil et il fait frais!

This morning, 86 had four "Histoire" questions due. It was a tough morning for a few students who failed to get their homework completed! Three new questions were assigned having to do with the rapid growth of cities like Winnipeg between the late 1800s and early 1900s, and the incidence of the Canadian Pacific Railroad on population growth and distribution in the prairies.

87 had all seven histoire questions assigned today to do over the weekend.

In the afternoon, Monsieur Wanie came around and checked homework in "Chapitre 9" of the French folders.

And 86 had the opportunity to go to the library to do some research on the artists for the next art project...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Jeudi, frais et gris...

This morning, students in 86 and 87 worked on their "Histoire, Chapitre 8". Students were taking notes on the diary of a settler on the praries in 1904...

1:87th scale projects are still trickling in, the final due-date is tomorrow (Friday).

In the afternoon, Monsieur Wanie was out of class again, this time with the Winona Sharks Swim Team at the Semi-Finals.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mercredi et le soleil brille!

Well, today will be a busy one... Monsieur Wanie is in and out of the classroom all day so students will be under the watchful eye of Abelio.

86 and 87 will be working on their new French folders, "Chapitres 9, 10, 11 and 12".

As well, today is the due-date for the 1:87th scale projects so the classroom railway should look like progress is being made! Pictures to follow!

The latest "Histoire Chapitre" has been assigned:
Histoire Chapitre 8
VTC: 1,2,4
ATC: 3,4
A rendre: mardi 6 avril.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mardi pluvieux.

Well, this morning, 87 worked at a sentence building assignment and their word search from yesterday.

In the afternoon, Monsieur Wanie handed out chapters 9,10,11, and 12 of the French folders. Students stand to gain a lot of practice in identifying French vocabulary and implementing it's use in their work. The exercises may seem tedious, but they are worthwhile.

Two students handed-in their 1:87th assignments... check out the cool pond and awesome wind turbine!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Lundi, le retour a l'ecole!

So, most students are back from Spring Break, hopefully everyone is ready for the push to the end of the year.

Students in 86 and 87 started an activity designed to augment their French vocabulary and boost their sentence building skills.

The mock-ups for the 1:87 buildings are due on Wednesday so ideally there will be more progress made on the classroom railway project this week...

Friday, March 12, 2010

Vendredi, et voila, il pleut. Je vous ai prevenu!

So, this morning, students who were in for extra help were able to run the first train on the classroom railroad... there's a lot of work yet to be done but it's coming along!In class, students noted the assignments that are coming up. There is a lot of work students should be attending-to over the vacation as well as taking some time to rest up for the push to the end of the year...

So, students: Have a great, and above all, a safe vacation, see you on the flipside!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Jeudi! Pluie, ou est tu?

Continuing the barrage of grammar this week, students in 86 and 87 recieved a new worksheet in the imperative verb forms, and a crossword reward sheet on "Life at Winona" for all the hard work completed!

Monsieur Wanie worked hard yesterday and today at some of the more finicky parts of the railroad so after the break, classes could work on making more scenery...

First train runs tomorrow!

Finally really nice weather!